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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
171 저널기사 Demand and Supply of Infrequent Payments as a Commitment Device: Evidence from Kenya 미리보기
Casaburi, Lorenzo; Macchiavello, Rocco American Economic Association 2019
172 저널기사 Financing Durable Assets 미리보기
Rampini, Adriano A. American Economic Association 2019
173 저널기사 Optimal Trend Inflation 미리보기
Adam, Klaus; Weber, Henning American Economic Association 2019
174 저널기사 When Britain Turned Inward: The Impact of Interwar British Protection 미리보기
de Bromhead, Alan; Fernihough, Alan; Lampe, Markus; O Rourke, Kevin Hjortshøj American Economic Association 2019
175 저널기사 Are Low Interest Rates Deflationary? A Paradox of Perfect-Foresight Analysis 미리보기
García-Schmidt, Mariana; Woodford, Michael American Economic Association 2019
176 저널기사 The Social Value of Financial Expertise 미리보기
Kurlat, Pablo American Economic Association 2019
177 저널기사 Learning to Coordinate: A Study in Retail Gasoline 미리보기
Byrne, David P.; de Roos, Nicolas American Economic Association 2019
178 저널기사 Fairness and Frictions: The Impact of Unequal Raises on Quit Behavior 미리보기
Dube, Arindrajit; Giuliano, Laura; Leonard, Jonathan American Economic Association 2019
179 저널기사 Recovery from the Great Depression: The Farm Channel in Spring 1933 미리보기
Hausman, Joshua K.; Rhode, Paul W.; Wieland, Johannes F. American Economic Association 2019
180 저널기사 Drilling Like There's No Tomorrow: Bankruptcy, Insurance, and Environmental Risk 미리보기
Boomhower, Judson American Economic Association 2019
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