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검색어[키워드 / 전체:Economics]
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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
61 저널기사 The Local Economic and Welfare Consequences of Hydraulic Fracturing 미리보기
Bartik, Alexander W.; Currie, Janet; Greenstone, Michael; Knittel, Christopher R. American Economic Association 2019
62 저널기사 Children and Gender Inequality: Evidence from Denmark 미리보기
Kleven, Henrik; Landais, Camille; Søgaard, Jakob Egholt American Economic Association 2019
63 저널기사 Corrigendum: Particulate Pollution and the Productivity of Pear Packers 미리보기
Chang, Tom; Zivin, Joshua S. Graff; Gross, Tal; Neidell, Matthew J. American Economic Association 2019
64 저널기사 Casting a Wider Tax Net: Experimental Evidence from Costa Rica 미리보기
Brockmeyer, Anne; Smith, Spencer; Hernandez, Marco; Kettle, Stewart American Economic Association 2019
65 저널기사 Carbon Taxes and CO~2 Emissions: Sweden as a Case Study 미리보기
Andersson, Julius J. American Economic Association 2019
66 저널기사 Peer Preferences, School Competition, and the Effects of Public School Choice 미리보기
Barseghyan, Levon; Clark, Damon; Coate, Stephen American Economic Association 2019
67 저널기사 The Impact of College Diversity on Behavior toward Minorities 미리보기
Carrell, Scott E.; Hoekstra, Mark; West, James E. American Economic Association 2019
68 저널기사 The Rise of NGO Activism 미리보기
Daubanes, Julien; Rochet, Jean-Charles American Economic Association 2019
69 저널기사 Rockoff, Hugh and Isao Suto, eds. Coping with Financial Crises: Some Lessons from Economic History 미리보기
Bruner, Robert F. American Economic Association] 2019
70 저널기사 Cassis, Youssef and Giuseppe Telesca, eds. Financial Elites and European Banking: Historical Perspectives 미리보기
Oosterlinck, Kim American Economic Association] 2019
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