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검색어[키워드 / 전체:Economics]
1,034건 중 500건 출력
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2021 삭제


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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
1 저널기사 Can Compulsory Schooling Reduce Language-Based Educational Gaps? Evidence from a Policy Change in Paraguay 미리보기
Lyliana E. Gayoso de Ervin University of Chicago Press 2021
2 저널기사 Increasing Trust in Bankers to Enhance Savings: Experimental Evidence from India 미리보기
Rahul Mehrotra ; Vincent Somville ; Lore Vandewalle University of Chicago Press 2021
3 저널기사 Improving Maternal Health Using Incentives for Mothers and Health Care Workers: Evidence from India 미리보기
Sisir Debnath University of Chicago Press 2021
4 저널기사 Livestock as a Buffer Stock in Poorly Integrated Markets 미리보기
Simon Lange ; Malte Reimers University of Chicago Press 2021
5 저널기사 He Says, She Says: Spousal Disagreement in Survey Measures of Bargaining Power 미리보기
Kate Ambler ; Cheryl Doss ; Caitlin Kieran ; Simone Passarelli University of Chicago Press 2021
6 저널기사 Floods and Spillovers: Households after the 2011 Great Flood in Thailand 미리보기
Ilan Noy ; Cuong Nguyen ; Pooja Patel University of Chicago Press 2021
7 저널기사 The Economic Effects of International Administrations: The Cases of Kosovo and East Timor 미리보기
Diego Winkelried ; César Urquizo University of Chicago Press 2021
8 저널기사 Natural Resources and Conflict in Africa: What Do the Data Show? 미리보기
Sambit Bhattacharyya ; Nemera Mamo University of Chicago Press 2021
9 저널기사 Nutrition, Religion, and Widowhood in Nigeria 미리보기
Annamaria Milazzo ; Dominique van de Walle University of Chicago Press 2021
10 저널기사 Employee Referral, Social Proximity, and Worker Discipline: Theory and Suggestive Evidence from India 미리보기
Amrita Dhillon ; Vegard Iversen ; Gaute Torsvik University of Chicago Press 2021
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 다음 맨뒤
