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검색어[키워드 / 전체:Economics]
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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
121 저널기사 Utility in Case-Based Decision Theory 미리보기
Gilboa, I.; Schmeidler, D.; Wakker, P. P. ACADEMIC PR 2002
122 저널기사 Existence and Welfare Properties of Equilibrium in an Exchange Economy with Multiple Divisible and Indivisible Commodities and Linear Production Technologies 미리보기
van der Laan, G.; Talman, D.; Yang, Z. ACADEMIC PR 2002
123 저널기사 Existence and Uniqueness of Equilibrium in Distorted Dynamic Economies with Capital and Labor 미리보기
Datta, M.; Mirman, L. J.; Reffet, K. L. ACADEMIC PR 2002
124 저널기사 Status Quo Bias in Bargaining: An Extension of the Myerson-Satterthwaite Theorem with an Application to the Coase Theorem 미리보기
McKelvey, R. D.; Page, T. ACADEMIC PR 2002
125 저널기사 Quantal Response Equilibrium and Overbidding in Private-Value Auctions 미리보기
Goeree, J. K.; Holt, C. A.; Palfrey, T. R. ACADEMIC PR 2002
126 저널기사 Demand Aggregation and the Weak Axiom of Stochastic Revealed Preference 미리보기
Bandyopadhyay, T.; Dasgupta, I.; Pattanaik, P. K. ACADEMIC PR 2002
127 저널기사 Sharing a River 미리보기
Ambec, S.; Sprumont, Y. ACADEMIC PR 2002
128 저널기사 Another Look at the Radner-Stiglitz Nonconcavity in the Value of Information 미리보기
Chade, H.; Schlee, E. E. ACADEMIC PR 2002
129 저널기사 Sharing Rules in Teams 미리보기
Nandeibam, S. ACADEMIC PR 2002
130 저널기사 Coalition and Party Formation in a Legislative Voting Game 미리보기
Jackson, M. O.; Moselle, B. ACADEMIC PR 2002
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