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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
191 저널기사 Snapping Back: Food Stamp Bans and Criminal Recidivism 미리보기
Tuttle, Cody American Economic Association 2019
192 저널기사 Are Home Buyers Inattentive? Evidence from Capitalization of Energy Costs 미리보기
Myers, Erica American Economic Association 2019
193 저널기사 Screening in Contract Design: Evidence from the ACA Health Insurance Exchanges 미리보기
Geruso, Michael; Layton, Timothy; Prinz, Daniel American Economic Association 2019
194 저널기사 Good Cop, Bad Cop: Using Civilian Allegations to Predict Police Misconduct 미리보기
Rozema, Kyle; Schanzenbach, Max American Economic Association 2019
195 저널기사 Financial Incentives and Earnings of Disability Insurance Recipients: Evidence from a Notch Design 미리보기
Ruh, Philippe; Staubli, Stefan American Economic Association 2019
196 저널기사 Student Loan Nudges: Experimental Evidence on Borrowing and Educational Attainment 미리보기
Marx, Benjamin M.; Turner, Lesley J. American Economic Association 2019
197 저널기사 Disrupting Education? Experimental Evidence on Technology-Aided Instruction in India 미리보기
Muralidharan, Karthik; Singh, Abhijeet; Ganimian, Alejandro J. American Economic Association 2019
198 저널기사 Subsidizing Health Insurance for Low-Income Adults: Evidence from Massachusetts 미리보기
Finkelstein, Amy; Hendren, Nathaniel; Shepard, Mark American Economic Association 2019
199 저널기사 The Cyclicality of Sales, Regular and Effective Prices: Business Cycle and Policy Implications: Reply 미리보기
Coibion, Olivier; Gorodnichenko, Yuriy; Hong, Gee Hee American Economic Association 2019
200 저널기사 Making Moves Matter: Experimental Evidence on Incentivizing Bureaucrats through Performance-Based Postings 미리보기
Khan, Adnan Q.; Khwaja, Asim Ijaz; Olken, Benjamin A. American Economic Association 2019
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