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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
91 저널기사 The Impact of the PCAOB Individual Engagement Inspection Process—Preliminary Evidence 미리보기
Aobdia, Daniel American Accounting Association. 2018
92 저널기사 Banks' Financial Reporting Frequency and Asset Quality 미리보기
Balakrishnan, Karthik; Ertan, Aytekin American Accounting Association. 2018
93 저널기사 Aggregate Cost Stickiness in GAAP Financial Statements and Future Unemployment Rate 미리보기
Rouxelin, Florent; Wongsunwai, Wan; Yehuda, Nir American Accounting Association. 2018
94 저널기사 The Value of Confession: Admitting Mistakes to Build Reputation 미리보기
Corona, Carlos; Randhawa, Ramandeep S. American Accounting Association. 2018
95 저널기사 Do Investors Fully Unravel Persistent Pessimism in Analysts' Earnings Forecasts? 미리보기
Veenman, David; Verwijmeren, Patrick American Accounting Association. 2018
96 저널기사 How Patterns of Past Guidance Provision Affect Investor Judgments: The Joint Effect of Guidance Frequency and Guidance Pattern Consistency 미리보기
Tang, Michael; Venkataraman, Shankar American Accounting Association. 2018
97 저널기사 Taxation and Corporate Risk-Taking 미리보기
Langenmayr, Dominika; Lester, Rebecca American Accounting Association. 2018
98 저널기사 Frequent Financial Reporting and Managerial Myopia 미리보기
Kraft, Arthur G.; Vashishtha, Rahul; Venkatachalam, Mohan American Accounting Association. 2018
99 저널기사 Performance Periods in CEO Performance-Based Equity Awards: Theory and Evidence 미리보기
Evans, John Harry; Gao, Zhan; Hwang, Yuhchang; Wu, Wan-Ting American Accounting Association. 2018
100 저널기사 Do the FASB's Standards Add Shareholder Value? 미리보기
Khan, Urooj; Li, Bin; Rajgopal, Shivaram; Venkatachalam, Mohan American Accounting Association. 2018
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