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검색어[키워드 / 전체:Economics.]
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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
141 저널기사 Variations on invariance or some unpleasant nonparametric arithmetric 미리보기
Chalfant, James A American Agricultural Economics Association 1997
142 저널기사 Returns, interest rates, and inflation: How they explain changes in farmland values 미리보기
Moss, Charles B American Agricultural Economics Association 1997
143 저널기사 Third-country effects and second-best grain trade policies: Export subsidies and bilateral 미리보기
Alston, Julian M American Agricultural Economics Association 1997
144 저널기사 Measuring the extent of coalition formation in group decision making 미리보기
Ruppel, Fred J American Agricultural Economics Association 1997
145 저널기사 Food expenditures and socioeconomic characteristics: Focus on income class 미리보기
McDowell, Donald R American Agricultural Economics Association 1997
146 저널기사 The urban-rural income gap in China: Implications for global food markets 미리보기
Carter, Colin A American Agricultural Economics Association 1997
147 저널기사 Demand for prepared meals for U.S. households 미리보기
Park, John L American Agricultural Economics Association 1997
148 저널기사 Agriculture and the changing nation-state: Implications for policy and political economy 미리보기
Bonnen, James T American Agricultural Economics Association 1997
149 저널기사 Land development and Pigouvian taxes: The case of peatland 미리보기
Goetz, Renan U American Agricultural Economics Association 1997
150 저널기사 Dynamics of beef cow herd size: An inventory approach 미리보기
Schmitz, John D American Agricultural Economics Association 1997
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