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검색어[키워드 / 전체:Economics]
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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
191 저널기사 Commercialization and the balance of women's dual roles in 미리보기
Smith, Lisa C American Agricultural Economics Association 1997
192 저널기사 Do roads cause deforestation? Using satellite images 미리보기
Nelson, Gerald C American Agricultural Economics Association 1997
193 저널기사 Effects of health information and generic advertising on U.S 미리보기
Kinnucan, Henry W American Agricultural Economics Association 1997
194 저널기사 Optimal marketing of nursery crops from container-based 미리보기
Stokes, Jeffrey R American Agricultural Economics Association 1997
195 저널기사 The pricing of revenue assurance 미리보기
Stokes, Jeffrey R American Agricultural Economics Association 1997
196 저널기사 Evaluation of econometric methods: To be or not to be? 미리보기
Coggins, Jay American Agricultural Economics Association 1996
197 저널기사 Supply response, supply control, and response surface 미리보기
Perry, Greg American Agricultural Economics Association 1996
198 저널기사 Impact of commodity programs I 미리보기
Salhofer, Klaus American Agricultural Economics Association 1996
199 저널기사 Nutrition, health, and advertising effects on demand 미리보기
McCracken, Vicki American Agricultural Economics Association 1996
200 저널기사 The effects of environmental quality and policy on 미리보기
Reaves, Dixie American Agricultural Economics Association 1996
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