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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
111 저널기사 The Dynamics of Discrimination: Theory and Evidence 미리보기
Bohren, J. Aislinn; Imas, Alex; Rosenberg, Michael American Economic Association 2019
112 저널기사 Failures in Contingent Reasoning: The Role of Uncertainty 미리보기
Martínez-Marquina, Alejandro; Niederle, Muriel; Vespa, Emanuel American Economic Association 2019
113 저널기사 Equilibrium Effects of Firm Subsidies 미리보기
Rotemberg, Martin American Economic Association 2019
114 저널기사 Competition and Strategic Incentives in the Market for Credit Ratings: Empirics of the Financial Crisis of 2007 미리보기
Chu, Chenghuan Sean; Rysman, Marc American Economic Association 2019
115 저널기사 Nominal Wage Rigidity in Village Labor Markets 미리보기
Kaur, Supreet American Economic Association 2019
116 저널기사 Using Linked Survey and Administrative Data to Better Measure Income: Implications for Poverty, Program Effectiveness, and Holes in the Safety Net 미리보기
Meyer, Bruce D.; Mittag, Nikolas American Economic Association 2019
117 저널기사 Adverse Selection in ACA Exchange Markets: Evidence from Colorado 미리보기
Panhans, Matthew American Economic Association 2019
118 저널기사 Property Rights and Gender Bias: Evidence from Land Reform in West Bengal 미리보기
Bhalotra, Sonia; Chakravarty, Abhishek; Mookherjee, Dilip; Pino, Francisco J. American Economic Association 2019
119 저널기사 Are Credit Markets Still Local? Evidence from Bank Branch Closings 미리보기
Nguyen, Hoai-Luu Q. American Economic Association 2019
120 저널기사 Understanding the Average Impact of Microcredit Expansions: A Bayesian Hierarchical Analysis of Seven Randomized Experiments 미리보기
Meager, Rachael American Economic Association 2019
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