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검색어[키워드 / 전체:Journal]
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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
101 저널기사 Fluid Dynamic Simulation of O~3 Decomposition in a Bubbling Fluidized Bed/ 미리보기
Syamlal, M American Institute of Chemical Engineers] 2003
102 저널기사 Graphical and Stage-to-Stage Methods for Reactive Distillation Column Design/ 미리보기
Daza, O. S American Institute of Chemical Engineers] 2003
103 저널기사 Mixed-Logic Dynamic Optimization Applied to Batch Distillation Process Design/ 미리보기
Oldenburg, J American Institute of Chemical Engineers] 2003
104 저널기사 Flow-Induced Particulate Separations/ 미리보기
Roberts, B. W American Institute of Chemical Engineers] 2003
105 저널기사 Three-Dimensional Wave Dynamics on a Falling Film and Associated Mass Transfer/ 미리보기
Park, C. D American Institute of Chemical Engineers] 2003
106 저널기사 Observations and Process Parameter Sensitivities in Fluid-Bed Granulation/ 미리보기
Cryer, S. A American Institute of Chemical Engineers] 2003
107 저널기사 Regular Solution Model for Asphaltene Precipitation from Bitumens and Solvents/ 미리보기
Alboudwarej, H American Institute of Chemical Engineers] 2003
108 저널기사 Target Linearization and Model Predictive Control of Polymerization Processes/ 미리보기
Bindlish, R American Institute of Chemical Engineers] 2003
109 저널기사 Liquid-Phase Mass Transfer in Spray Contactors/ 미리보기
Yeh, N. K American Institute of Chemical Engineers] 2003
110 저널기사 Slip Velocity and Drag Law in a Liquid-Liquid Homogeneous Dispersed Flow/ 미리보기
Augier, F American Institute of Chemical Engineers] 2003
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