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검색어[키워드 / 전체:Journal]
16,711건 중 500건 출력
19/50 페이지 엑셀파일 출력
American Institute of Physics 삭제
American Institute of Physics 삭제


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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
181 저널기사 Measurement of Si, SiF, and SiF~2 radicals and SiF~4 molecule using very high frequency capacitively coupled plasma employing SiF~4/ 미리보기
Ohta, T American Institute of Physics 2003
182 저널기사 Polarity determination of a-plane GaN on r-plane sapphire and its effects on lateral overgrowth and heteroepitaxy/ 미리보기
Wu, F American Institute of Physics 2003
183 저널기사 Characterization of ultrathin insulating Al~2O~3 films grown on Nb(110)/sapphire(0001) by tunneling spectroscopy and microscopy/ 미리보기
Dietrich, C American Institute of Physics 2003
184 저널기사 Characteristics and polarization-enhanced model of wurtzite aluminum nitride thin films synthesized on Si(100) substrates by pulsed laser deposition/ 미리보기
An, Z American Institute of Physics 2003
185 저널기사 Incorporation of N into GaAsN under N overpressure and underpressure conditions/ 미리보기
Zhongzhe, S American Institute of Physics 2003
186 저널기사 Phonon-assisted cooperative energy transfer and frequency upconversion in a Yb^3^+/Tb^3^+ codoped fluoroindate glass/ 미리보기
de SMenezes, L American Institute of Physics 2003
187 저널기사 Simultaneous measurement of laser-induced shock wave and released particle velocities at Mbar pressure/ 미리보기
Chen, J. P American Institute of Physics 2003
188 저널기사 Diffusion in Co~9~0Fe~1~0/Ru multilayers/ 미리보기
Svedberg, E. B American Institute of Physics 2003
189 저널기사 Enhanced ionization in the cylindrical Hall thruster/ 미리보기
Smirnov, A American Institute of Physics 2003
190 저널기사 Dynamics of steady and unsteady operation of inductive discharges with attaching gases/ 미리보기
Chabert, P American Institute of Physics 2003
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