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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
131 저널기사 One-dimensional heat conduction model for an electrical phase change random access memory device with an 8F^2 memory cell (F=0.15 mum)/ 미리보기
Kang, D.-H American Institute of Physics 2003
132 저널기사 Effects of exciton and charge confinement on the performance of white organic p-i-n electrophosphorescent emissive excimer devices/ 미리보기
D Andrade, B. W American Institute of Physics 2003
133 저널기사 Optimization on the performance of a harmonic quantum Brayton heat engine/ 미리보기
Lin, B American Institute of Physics 2003
134 저널기사 Intermediate band solar cell with many bands: Ideal performance/ 미리보기
Brown, A. S American Institute of Physics 2003
135 저널기사 Dynamics of domain walls within two interacting wires/ 미리보기
Krupinska, G American Institute of Physics 2003
136 저널기사 Photoluminescence of polycrystalline ZnO under different annealing conditions/ 미리보기
Hur, T.-B American Institute of Physics 2003
137 저널기사 Close look at charge carrier injection in polymer field-effect transistors/ 미리보기
Burgi, L American Institute of Physics 2003
138 저널기사 Dose dependence of formation of nanoscale cavities in helium-implanted 4H-SiC/ 미리보기
Zhang, C. H American Institute of Physics 2003
139 저널기사 Magnetic properties of ultrathin Co/Ag/Pt(111) films/ 미리보기
Su, C. W American Institute of Physics 2003
140 저널기사 Interface formation and energy level alignment of pentacene on SiO~2/ 미리보기
Watkins, N. J American Institute of Physics 2003
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