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검색어[키워드 / 전체:Economics.]
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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
1 저널기사 Indirect Estimation of a-Stable Distributions and Processes 미리보기
Lombardi, M. J.; Calzolari, G. Blackwell Publishers: The Royal Economic Society 2008
2 저널기사 Economic Reform, Growth and Convergence in China 미리보기
Maasoumi, E.; Wang, L. Blackwell Publishers: The Royal Economic Society 2008
3 저널기사 Asymptotic local power of pooled t-ratio tests for unit roots in panels with fixed effects 미리보기
Roger Moon, H.; Perron, B. Blackwell Publishers: The Royal Economic Society 2008
4 저널기사 Representation theorem for convex nonparametric least squares 미리보기
Kuosmanen, T. Blackwell Publishers: The Royal Economic Society 2008
5 저널기사 Bootstrapping Autoregression under Non-stationary Volatility 미리보기
Xu, K. L. Blackwell Publishers: The Royal Economic Society 2008
6 저널기사 Inflation, exchange rates and PPP in a multivariate panel cointegration model 미리보기
Jacobson, T.; Lyhagen, J.; Larsson, R.; Nessen, M. Blackwell Publishers: The Royal Economic Society 2008
7 저널기사 The Econometrics Journal of the Royal Economic Society 미리보기
Smith, R. J. Blackwell Publishers: The Royal Economic Society 2008
8 저널기사 Moment based regression algorithms for drift and volatility estimation in continuous-time Markov switching models 미리보기
Elliott, R. J.; Krishnamurthy, V.; Sass, J. Blackwell Publishers: The Royal Economic Society 2008
9 저널기사 A bias-adjusted LM test of error cross-section independence 미리보기
Pesaran, M. H.; Ullah, A.; Yamagata, T. Blackwell Publishers: The Royal Economic Society 2008
10 저널기사 Exact formulas for the Hodrick-Prescott filter 미리보기
McElroy, T. Blackwell Publishers: The Royal Economic Society 2008
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 다음 맨뒤
