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검색어[키워드 / 전체:Economics.]
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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
171 저널기사 Australian Real-Time Database: An Overview and an Illustration of its Use in Business Cycle Analysis* 미리보기
LEE, K.; OLEKALNS, N.; SHIELDS, K.; WANG, Z. Blackwell Publishing Ltd 2012
172 저널기사 Innovation and Economic Crisis: Lessons and Prospects from the Economic Downturn, by Daniele Archibugi and Andrea Filippetti (Routledge, London and New York, 2011), pp. 200. 미리보기
Bakhtiari, S. Blackwell Publishing Ltd 2012
173 저널기사 The Localization Reader: Adapting to the Coming Downshift, by Raymond De Young and Thomas Princen (The MIT Press, Cambridge, Massachusetts/London, England, 2012), pp. 340. 미리보기
White, W. Blackwell Publishing Ltd 2012
174 저널기사 Secular Cycles, by Peter Turchin and Sergey A. Nefedov (Princeton University Press, Princeton, NJ, 2009), pp. ix+349. 미리보기
Panza, L. Blackwell Publishing Ltd 2012
175 저널기사 Economic Origins of Roman Christianity, by Robert B. Ekelund Jr and Robert D. Tollison (University of Chicago Press, Chicago, 2011). pp. xiii + 269. 미리보기
Lamont, J. R. Blackwell Publishing Ltd 2012
176 저널기사 Playoff Uncertainty, Match Uncertainty and Attendance at Australian National Rugby League Matches* 미리보기
KING, N.; OWEN, P. D.; AUDAS, R. Blackwell Publishing Ltd 2012
177 저널기사 Real Exchange Rate Movements in Developed and Developing Economies: A Reinterpretation of the Balassa-Samuelson Hypothesis* 미리보기
DUMRONGRITTIKUL, T. Blackwell Publishing Ltd 2012
178 저널기사 Educational Attainment Across Generations: The Role of Immigration Background* 미리보기
COBB-CLARK, D. A.; NGUYEN, T. H. Blackwell Publishing Ltd 2012
179 저널기사 In the Wake of the Crisis: Leading Economists Reassess Economic Policy, by Olivier Blanchard, David Romer, Michael Spence and Joseph Stiglitz (The MIT Press, Cambridge, Massachusetts, 2012), pp. vii +239. 미리보기
Miller, P. W. Blackwell Publishing Ltd 2012
180 저널기사 Imputation Credits and Equity Returns* 미리보기
LAJBCYGIER, P.; WHEATLEY, S. M. Blackwell Publishing Ltd 2012
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