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검색어[키워드 / 전체:Journal]
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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
151 저널기사 About George W Bush's Iraq war/ 미리보기
Susser, M British Medical Association 2003
152 저널기사 The right water and the right to water/ 미리보기
Miranda, J. J British Medical Association 2003
153 저널기사 Too dry or not too dry/ 미리보기
Whitcher, J. P British Medical Association 2003
154 저널기사 Low vision and blindness in adults in Gurage Zone, central Ethiopia/ 미리보기
Melese, M British Medical Association 2003
155 저널기사 Age in epidemiological analysis/ 미리보기
Reijneveld, S. A British Medical Association 2003
156 저널기사 Neighbourhood composition and depressive symptoms among older Mexican Americans/ 미리보기
Ostir, G. V British Medical Association 2003
157 저널기사 The Armenian Eye Care Project: surgical outcomes of complicated paediatric glaucoma/ 미리보기
Hill, R British Medical Association 2003
158 저널기사 Psychosomatic aspects in patients with central serous chorioretinopathy/ 미리보기
Spahn, C British Medical Association 2003
159 저널기사 Is granuloma annulare related to intermediate uveitis with retinal vasculitis?/ 미리보기
van Kooij, B British Medical Association 2003
160 저널기사 Socioeconomic differences in attitudes and beliefs about healthy lifestyles/ 미리보기
Wardle, J British Medical Association 2003
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