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검색어[키워드 / 전체:Journal]
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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
161 저널기사 Gender differences in socioeconomic inequality in mortality/ 미리보기
Mustard, C. A British Medical Association 2003
162 저널기사 Ivan Illich and medical nemesis/ 미리보기
Bunker, J. P British Medical Association 2003
163 저널기사 Ivan Illich: he lived his own testimony/ 미리보기
Levin, L British Medical Association 2003
164 저널기사 Reproducibility of ophthalmodynamometric measurements of central retinal artery and vein collapse pressure/ 미리보기
Jonas, J. B British Medical Association 2003
165 저널기사 Of Greek goddesses and matters of life and death/ 미리보기
Ashton, J. R British Medical Association 2003
166 저널기사 The family tree/ 미리보기
Alcock, M British Medical Association 2003
167 저널기사 Making things happen versus watching them?/ 미리보기
Ashton, J. R British Medical Association 2003
168 저널기사 Central serous chorioretinopathy/ 미리보기
Jumper, J. M British Medical Association 2003
169 저널기사 Second generation vital stains in retinal surgery/ 미리보기
Bhisitkul, R. B British Medical Association 2003
170 저널기사 Arts for health: still searching for the Holy Grail/ 미리보기
Hamilton, C British Medical Association 2003
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