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검색어[키워드 / 전체:Economics.]
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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
181 저널기사 The effects of working with seasonally adjusted data when testing for unit root 미리보기
del Barrio Castro, T.; Pons Fanals, E.; Surinach Caralt, J. ELSEVIER 2002
182 저널기사 Information, fairness, and reciprocity in the best shot game 미리보기
Carpenter, J. P. ELSEVIER 2002
183 저널기사 Notes on bias in estimators for simultaneous equation models 미리보기
Hahn, J.; Hausman, J. ELSEVIER 2002
184 저널기사 Recursive mean adjustment and tests for nonstationarities 미리보기
Shin, D. W.; So, B. S. ELSEVIER 2002
185 저널기사 The paradox of indexed money substitutes 미리보기
Liviatan, N. ELSEVIER 2002
186 저널기사 Women`s labor force participation and the dynamics of tradition 미리보기
Hazan, M.; D. Maoz, Y. ELSEVIER 2002
187 저널기사 Measuring instrument relevance in the single endogenous regressor-multiple instrument case: a simplifying procedure 미리보기
Davis, G. C.; Kim, S. Y. ELSEVIER 2002
188 저널기사 Do nominal devaluations lead to real devaluations in LDCs? 미리보기
Bahmani-Oskooee, M.; Miteza, I. ELSEVIER 2002
189 저널기사 Single-peaked preferences, endowments and population-monotonicity 미리보기
Moreno, B. ELSEVIER 2002
190 저널기사 Aggregation bias in the economic model of crime 미리보기
Cherry, T. L.; List, J. A. ELSEVIER 2002
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