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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
411 저널기사 A direct test for the mean variance efficiency of a portfolio 미리보기
Basak, G.; Jagannathan, R.; Sun, G. ELSEVIER 2002
412 저널기사 Existence of stationary equilibrium in the markets for new and used durable goods 미리보기
Konishi, H.; Sandfort, M. T. ELSEVIER 2002
413 저널기사 Consistent expectations equilibria and learning in a stock market 미리보기
Sogner, L. ELSEVIER 2002
414 저널기사 Operationalizing equilibrium unemployment: A general equilibrium external economies approach 미리보기
Balistreri, E. J. ELSEVIER 2002
415 저널기사 Staggered wages and output dynamics under disinflation 미리보기
Ascari, G. ELSEVIER 2002
416 저널기사 Mood fluctuations, projection bias, and volatility of equity prices 미리보기
Mehra, R. ELSEVIER 2002
417 저널기사 Solving labor demand models under asymmetric adjustment costs 미리보기
Feve, P. ELSEVIER 2002
418 저널기사 Determinants of barter in Russia: an empirical analysis 미리보기
Commander, S.; Dolinskaya, I.; Mumssen, C. ELSEVIER 2002
419 저널기사 Contingent valuation in health care and the persistence of embedding effects without the warm glow 미리보기
Shiell, A.; Gold, L. ELSEVIER 2002
420 저널기사 "Neither an angel nor an ant": Emotion as an aid to bounded rationality 미리보기
Hanoch, Y. ELSEVIER 2002
맨앞 이전 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 
