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검색어[키워드 / 전체:Journal]
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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
41 저널기사 The Competence of the UN Human Rights Council and its Special Procedures in relation to Armed Conflicts: Extrajudicial Executions in the `War on Terror' 미리보기
Alston, P.; Morgan-Foster, J.; Abresch, W. European Journal of International Law, European University Institute 2008
42 저널기사 Softness in International Law: A Self-Serving Quest for New Legal Materials 미리보기
dAspremont, J. European Journal of International Law, European University Institute 2008
43 저널기사 The Concept of Appeal in International Dispute Settlement 미리보기
Gal-Or, N. European Journal of International Law, European University Institute 2008
44 저널기사 `We Cant Spy If We Cant Buy!': The Privatization of Intelligence and the Limits of Outsourcing `Inherently Governmental Functions' 미리보기
Chesterman, S. European Journal of International Law, European University Institute 2008
45 저널기사 Human Dignity and Judicial Interpretation of Human Rights: A Reply 미리보기
Carozza, P. G. European Journal of International Law, European University Institute 2008
46 저널기사 Peter D. Cameron, Competition in Energy Markets. Law and Regulation in the European Union 미리보기
Talus, K. European Journal of International Law, European University Institute 2008
47 저널기사 Editorial 미리보기
unknown European Journal of International Law, European University Institute 2008
48 저널기사 Passing the Buck: State Responsibility for Private Military Companies 미리보기
Hoppe, C. European Journal of International Law, European University Institute 2008
49 저널기사 European Exceptionalism in International Law 미리보기
Lickova, M. European Journal of International Law, European University Institute 2008
50 저널기사 The WTO and Government Procurement 미리보기
Davies, A. European Journal of International Law, European University Institute 2008
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