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검색어[키워드 / 전체:Management]
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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
101 저널기사 New Product Preannouncement: Phantom Products and the Osborne Effect 미리보기
Rao, Ram; Turut, Ozge Institute of Management Sciences] 2019
102 저널기사 Dynamic Decision Making in Sequential Business-to-Business Auctions: A Structural Econometric Approach 미리보기
Lu, Yixin; Gupta, Alok; Ketter, Wolfgang; van Heck, Eric Institute of Management Sciences] 2019
103 저널기사 The Private Scope in Public—Private Collaborations: An Institutional and Capability-Based Perspective 미리보기
Quelin, Bertrand V.; Cabral, Sandro; Lazzarini, Sergio; Kivleniece, Ilze Institute of Management Sciences 2019
104 저널기사 Moving off the Map: How Knowledge of Organizational Operations Empowers and Alienates 미리보기
Huising, Ruthanne Institute of Management Sciences 2019
105 저널기사 The Role of Calibration Committees in Subjective Performance Evaluation Systems 미리보기
Demeré, B. William; Sedatole, Karen L.; Woods, Alexander Institute of Management Sciences] 2019
106 저널기사 Process Flexibility in Baseball: The Value of Positional Flexibility 미리보기
Chan, Timothy C. Y.; Fearing, Douglas Institute of Management Sciences] 2019
107 저널기사 ``Dice''-sion-Making Under Uncertainty: When Can a Random Decision Reduce Risk? 미리보기
Delage, Erick; Kuhn, Daniel; Wiesemann, Wolfram Institute of Management Sciences] 2019
108 저널기사 Only When Others Are Watching: The Contingent Efforts of High Status Group Members 미리보기
Lount, Robert B.; Doyle, Sarah P.; Brion, Sebastien; Pettit, Nathan C. Institute of Management Sciences] 2019
109 저널기사 An Integrative Perspective of Organizational Responses: Routines, Heuristics, and Improvisations in a Mount Everest Expedition 미리보기
Suarez, Fernando F.; Montes, Juan S. Institute of Management Sciences 2019
110 저널기사 Organizational and Perceived Learning in the Workplace: A Multilevel Perspective on Employees' Problem Solving 미리보기
Furlan, Andrea; Galeazzo, Ambra; Paggiaro, Adriano Institute of Management Sciences 2019
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