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검색어[키워드 / 전체:Wiley]
77건 중 77건 출력
7/8 페이지 엑셀파일 출력


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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
61 저널기사 Flow characteristics of concentrated emulsions of very viscous oil in water 미리보기
Nu�z, G. A J. Wiley [for the Society of Rheology] 1980
62 저널기사 Anomalies in the normal force measurement when using a force rebalance transducer 미리보기
Niemiec, J. M J. Wiley [for the Society of Rheology] 1980
63 저널기사 An anomalous electrorheological behavior of magnesium hydroxide suspensions in silicone oil 미리보기
Trlica, J J. Wiley [for the Society of Rheology] 1980
64 저널기사 Sliding plate rheometer studies of concentrated polystyrene solutions: Large amplitude oscillatory shear of a very high molecular weight polymer in diethyl phthalate 미리보기
Reimers, M. J J. Wiley [for the Society of Rheology] 1980
65 저널기사 The effect of added triblock copolymer on the nonlinear rheology of ordered diblock copolymer mesophases 미리보기
Harden, J. L J. Wiley [for the Society of Rheology] 1980
66 저널기사 Thermodynamic constitutive equations for materials with memory on a material time scale 미리보기
Lustig, S. R J. Wiley [for the Society of Rheology] 1980
67 저널기사 Experimental study and modeling of oscillating flow of high density polyethylenes 미리보기
Durand, V J. Wiley [for the Society of Rheology] 1980
68 저널기사 Influence of amylose content on the viscous behavior of low hydrated molten starches 미리보기
Della Valle, G J. Wiley [for the Society of Rheology] 1980
69 저널기사 Out-of-plane orientational dynamics of polymer liquid crystals under flow 미리보기
Andrews, N. C J. Wiley [for the Society of Rheology] 1980
70 저널기사 Kinetic theory and transport phenomena for a dumbbell model under nonisothermal conditions 미리보기
Oettinger, H. C J. Wiley [for the Society of Rheology] 1980
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