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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
191 저널기사 Violence-prevention climate, exposure to violence and aggression, and prevention behavior: A mediation model 미리보기
Chang, C. H.; Eatough, E. M.; Spector, P. E.; Kessler, S. R. John Wiley & Sons, Ltd 2012
192 저널기사 A multilevel model of emotional skills, communication performance, and task performance in teams 미리보기
Troth, A. C.; Jordan, P. J.; Lawrence, S. A.; Tse, H. H. John Wiley & Sons, Ltd 2012
193 저널기사 Finding the right mix: How the composition of self-managing multicultural teams' cultural value orientation influences performance over time 미리보기
Cheng, C. Y.; Chua, R. Y.; Morris, M. W.; Lee, L. John Wiley & Sons, Ltd 2012
194 저널기사 Cognitive and affective identification: Exploring the links between different forms of social identification and personality with work attitudes and behavior 미리보기
Johnson, M. D.; Morgeson, F. P.; Hekman, D. R. John Wiley & Sons, Ltd 2012
195 저널기사 Positive emotions, negative emotions, or utility of discrete emotions? 미리보기
Lindebaum, D.; Jordan, P. J. John Wiley & Sons, Ltd 2012
196 저널기사 Using experience sampling methodology in organizational behavior 미리보기
Fisher, C. D.; To, M. L. John Wiley & Sons, Ltd 2012
197 저널기사 Instrumental variables regressions with uncertain exclusion restrictions: a Bayesian approach 미리보기
Kraay, A. John Wiley & Sons, Ltd 2012
198 저널기사 Traffic safety and vehicle choice: quantifying the effects of the -arms race- on American roads 미리보기
Li, S. John Wiley & Sons, Ltd 2012
199 저널기사 Dynamics and equilibrium in a structural model of wide-body commercial aircraft markets 미리보기
Smith, L. K. John Wiley & Sons, Ltd 2012
200 저널기사 Measuring the impact of nonignorability in panel data with non-monotone nonresponse 미리보기
Xie, H.; Qian, Y. John Wiley & Sons, Ltd 2012
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