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검색어[키워드 / 전체:JOHN WILEY]
97건 중 97건 출력
8/10 페이지 엑셀파일 출력


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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
71 저널기사 Counterintelligence: The Equalizer versus Competitive Intelligence 미리보기
Kalitka, P. JOHN WILEY 1996
72 저널기사 Competitive Intelligence Library 미리보기
Johnson, K. J. JOHN WILEY 1996
73 저널기사 Tools and Techniques: Patent Intelligence - Information to Compete Before Products Are Launched 미리보기
Cantrell, R. JOHN WILEY 1996
74 저널기사 Sharing Business Intelligence on the World Wide Web 미리보기
Graef, J. JOHN WILEY 1996
75 저널기사 Competitive Intelligence Library 미리보기
Johnson, K. J. JOHN WILEY 1996
76 저널기사 Markets, Competition, and Intelligence on the World Wide Web 미리보기
Cronin, B. JOHN WILEY 1996
77 저널기사 "Business Simulator (v3.01): The Business Planning Tool[TM] Edition" (Version 1.59 Upgrade) 미리보기
McGonagle, J. J. JOHN WILEY 1996
78 저널기사 Organizational Development: Gaining Organizational Sponsorship 미리보기
Simon, N. J. JOHN WILEY 1996
79 저널기사 Antitrust and CI: Private Antitrust Actions 미리보기
Henry, B. R. JOHN WILEY 1996
80 저널기사 Competitive Intelligence: Lifeblood of Competitive Strategy 미리보기
Bernhardt, D. C. JOHN WILEY 1996
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