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검색어[키워드 / 전체:Economics.]
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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
171 저널기사 Do safeguard tariffs and antidumping duties open or close technology gaps? 미리보기
Crowley, M. A. North-Holland 2006
172 저널기사 Differential pricing, parallel trade, and the incentive to invest 미리보기
Valletti, T. M. North-Holland 2006
173 저널기사 Monetary policies for developing countries: The role of institutional quality 미리보기
Huang, H.; Wei, S. J. North-Holland 2006
174 저널기사 Catalytic finance: When does it work? 미리보기
Morris, S.; Shin, H. S. North-Holland 2006
175 저널기사 Competition regimes and air transport costs: The effects of open skies agreements 미리보기
Micco, A.; Serebrisky, T. s. North-Holland 2006
176 저널기사 Currency mismatches and monetary policy: A tale of two equilibria 미리보기
Chang, R.; Velasco, A. s. North-Holland 2006
177 저널기사 The real effects of financial integration 미리보기
Imbs, J. North-Holland 2006
178 저널기사 Exchange rate exposure 미리보기
Dominguez, K. M.; Tesar, L. L. North-Holland 2006
179 저널기사 Exchange rate regimes and national price levels 미리보기
Broda, C. North-Holland 2006
180 저널기사 Peer review policy for the Journal of International Economics 미리보기
unknown North-Holland 2006
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