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검색어[키워드 / 전체:Economics.]
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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
161 저널기사 How work effort responds to wage taxation: A non-linear versus a linear tax experiment 미리보기
Sillamaa, M.A North-Holland Pub. Co 1999
162 저널기사 A panel data model for subjective information on household income growth 미리보기
Das, Marcel North-Holland Pub. Co 1999
163 저널기사 On the age at marriage: Theory and evidence from Jews and Moslems in Israel 미리보기
Danziger, Leif North-Holland Pub. Co 1999
164 저널기사 Explaining how preferences change across joint versus separate evaluation 미리보기
Bazerman, Max H North-Holland Pub. Co 1999
165 저널기사 On the optimum number of library software licenses 미리보기
Quandt, Richard E North-Holland Pub. Co 1999
166 저널기사 Efficient moral hazard 미리보기
Gifford, Sharon North-Holland Pub. Co 1999
167 저널기사 Paternalistic principals 미리보기
Wirl, Franz North-Holland Pub. Co 1999
168 저널기사 Product design partitions with complementary components 미리보기
Schaefer, Scott North-Holland Pub. Co 1999
169 저널기사 Book reviews 미리보기
Sethi, Rajiv North-Holland Pub. Co 1999
170 저널기사 Human capital, true love, and gender roles: Is sex destiny? 미리보기
Engineer, Merwan North-Holland Pub. Co 1999
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