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검색어[키워드 / 전체:Economics.]
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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
401 저널기사 Dynamic epidemiology and the market for vaccinations 미리보기
Francis, Peter J North-Holland Pub. Co 1997
402 저널기사 Financial intermediation and the optimal tax system 미리보기
Caminal, Ramon North-Holland Pub. Co 1997
403 저널기사 The honest society: Stability and policy considerations 미리보기
Nyberg, Sten North-Holland Pub. Co 1997
404 저널기사 Rival charities 미리보기
Bilodeau, Marc North-Holland Pub. Co 1997
405 저널기사 Politicians' decision making with re-election concerns 미리보기
Biglaiser, Gary North-Holland Pub. Co 1997
406 저널기사 Everyone may benefit from subsidising entry to risky occupations 미리보기
Black, Jane North-Holland Pub. Co 1997
407 저널기사 Infrastructure financing and urban development: The economics of impact fees 미리보기
Brueckner, Jan K North-Holland Pub. Co 1997
408 저널기사 Employment separation and health insurance coverage 미리보기
Gruber, Jonathan North-Holland Pub. Co 1997
409 저널기사 Taxation, wage controls and the information sector 미리보기
Fortin, Bernard North-Holland Pub. Co 1997
410 저널기사 US non-tariff barriers as privately provided public goods 미리보기
Gawande, Kishore North-Holland Pub. Co 1997
맨앞 이전 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 
