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검색어[키워드 / 전체:Criminology]
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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
291 저널기사 Imaginary Penalities. Edited by Pat Carlen (Cullompton, Devon: Willan, 2008, 332pp. 25.00) 미리보기
Ruggiero, V. Oxford University Press 2009
292 저널기사 Organized Evil and the Atlantic Alliance 미리보기
Woodiwiss, M.; Hobbs, D. Oxford University Press 2009
293 저널기사 Failure To Launch 미리보기
Jenkins, P. Oxford University Press 2009
294 저널기사 Introduction 미리보기
Hudson, B.; Walters, R. Oxford University Press 2009
295 저널기사 Pre-Crime and Counter-Terrorism 미리보기
McCulloch, J.; Pickering, S. Oxford University Press 2009
296 저널기사 Moral Panic 미리보기
Young, J. Oxford University Press 2009
297 저널기사 Work, Family and Criminal Desistance 미리보기
Savolainen, J. Oxford University Press 2009
298 저널기사 The Path and Promise of Fatherhood for Gang Members 미리보기
Moloney, M.; MacKenzie, K.; Hunt, G.; Joe-Laidler, K. Oxford University Press 2009
299 저널기사 Turning Mirrors Into Windows? 미리보기
Ellison, L.; Munro, V. E. Oxford University Press 2009
300 저널기사 Violence and Sex Work in Britain. By Hilary Kinnell (Cullompton, Devon: Willan Publishing, 2008, 290pp. 19.50 pb) 미리보기
Self, H. J. Oxford University Press 2009
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