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검색어[키워드 / 전체:Economics.]
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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
131 저널기사 Farm income, population and farmland prices: a relative information approach 미리보기
Salois, M.; Moss, C.; Erickson, K. Oxford University Press 2012
132 저널기사 The Trade Impact of European Union Preferential Policies: An Analysis through Gravity Models 미리보기
Clever, M. Oxford University Press 2012
133 저널기사 The Economics of Beer 미리보기
Gohmann, S. F. Oxford University Press 2012
134 저널기사 Farm Business Management: Analysis of Farming Systems 미리보기
Malcolm, B. Oxford University Press 2012
135 저널기사 The Economic Impact of Public Support to Agriculture: An International Perspective 미리보기
Matthews, A. Oxford University Press 2012
136 저널기사 Structural change in European calf markets: decoupling and the blue tongue disease 미리보기
Ihle, R.; Brümmer, B.; Thompson, S. R. Oxford University Press 2012
137 저널기사 Oxford Economic Papers - Back Cover 미리보기
unknown Oxford University Press 2012
138 저널기사 Oxford Economic Papers - Editorial Board 미리보기
unknown Oxford University Press 2012
139 저널기사 Oxford Economic Papers 미리보기
unknown Oxford University Press 2012
140 저널기사 Latent process heterogeneity in discounting behavior 미리보기
Coller, M.; Harrison, G. W.; Rutstrom, E. E. Oxford University Press 2012
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