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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
111 저널기사 A comparison of quality of life (QOL) for patients with early stage breast cancer treated with whole breast irradiation versus targeted partial breast brachytherapy/ 미리보기
Flynn, C Pergamon Press 2003
112 저널기사 Factors influencing the use of single versus multiple fractions of palliative radiotherapy for bone metastases: a 5-year review and comparison to a survey/ 미리보기
Haddad, P Pergamon Press 2003
113 저널기사 Hyperthermia improves the complete response rate for superficial tumors treated with radiation: results of a prospective randomized trial testing the thermal dose parameter CEM 43degreeT90/ 미리보기
Jones, E. L Pergamon Press 2003
114 저널기사 Quality-of-life assessment in a phase II randomized trial of tirapazamine in advanced squamous cell carcinomas of the head and neck/ 미리보기
Horst, K. C Pergamon Press 2003
115 저널기사 Evaluation of the efficacy of a targeted continuing medical education (CME) intervention for radiation oncologists (ROs)/ 미리보기
Shakespeare, T. P Pergamon Press 2003
116 저널기사 Reproducibility of organ position using voluntary breath hold method with spirometer during extracranial stereotactic radiotherapy/ 미리보기
Kimura, T Pergamon Press 2003
117 저널기사 Convective boiling heat transfer and two-phase flow characteristics inside a small horizontal helically coiled tubing once-through steam generator/ 미리보기
Zhao, L Pergamon Press 2003
118 저널기사 Intensity-modulated stereotactic radiotherapy vs. stereotactic conformal radiotherapy for the treatment of meningioma located predominantly in the skull base/ 미리보기
Baumert, B. G Pergamon Press 2003
119 저널기사 A comparison of treatment outcomes with Gamma Knife radiosurgery versus Glycerol Rhizotomy in the management of trigeminal neuralgia/ 미리보기
Febles, C Pergamon Press 2003
120 저널기사 Interfacial area transport of vertical upward bubbly two-phase flow in an annulus/ 미리보기
Hibiki, T Pergamon Press 2003
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