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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
151 저널기사 Does short-term androgen deprivation substitute for radiation dose in the treatment of high-risk prostate cancer?/ 미리보기
Nguyen, K. H Pergamon Press 2003
152 저널기사 Impact of initial Whole Brain Radiotherapy (WBRT) in addition to Gamma Knife Radiosurgery (GKSRS) on the neurologic status of patients with newly diagnosed brain metastases/ 미리보기
Robinson, C Pergamon Press 2003
153 저널기사 Improved tumor control with irradiation to the primary site in extranodal non-orbital indolent lymphomas of the head and neck/ 미리보기
MacDermed, D Pergamon Press 2003
154 저널기사 Interleukin-8 (IL-8) promoter region gene polymorphism predicts pelvic recurrence after chemo-radiation in patients with rectal cancer/ 미리보기
Zhang, W Pergamon Press 2003
155 저널기사 Combination of genistein with ionizing radiation on surviving fraction, apoptosis and cell-cycle alterations on Du-145 prostate cancer cells/ 미리보기
Ejima, Y Pergamon Press 2003
156 저널기사 A comparison of the single vs. double high-risk factor stratification systems for prostate cancer treated radiotherapy without androgen deprivation/ 미리보기
Chism, D. B Pergamon Press 2003
157 저널기사 Monte Carlo dose calculation of multiple-energy dynamic electron arc therapy using a standard photon multileaf collimator/ 미리보기
Leavitt, D. D Pergamon Press 2003
158 저널기사 Proton radiation therapy for retinoblastoma: comparison of various intraocular tumor locations and beam arrangements/ 미리보기
Krengli, M Pergamon Press 2003
159 저널기사 The treatment of adults with medulloblastoma: a prospective study/ 미리보기
Brandes, A. A Pergamon Press 2003
160 저널기사 Vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) expression in locally advanced prostate cancer (LAPC): secondary analysis of radiation therapy oncology group (RTOG) 8610/ 미리보기
Hughes, L. A Pergamon Press 2003
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