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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
111 저널기사 Expand and Regularize Federal Funding for Human Pluripotent Stem Cell Research 미리보기
Owen-Smith, J.; Scott, C. T.; McCormick, J. B. Published by John Wiley & Sons for the Association for Public Policy Analysis and Management 2012
112 저널기사 Lessons from other countries, and rethinking (slightly) unemployment insurance as social insurance against the Great Recession 미리보기
Neumark, D.; Troske, K. Published by John Wiley & Sons for the Association for Public Policy Analysis and Management 2012
113 저널기사 Are Green Vehicles Worth the Extra Cost? The Case of Diesel-Electric Hybrid Technology for Urban Delivery Vehicles 미리보기
Krutilla, K.; Graham, J. D. Published by John Wiley & Sons for the Association for Public Policy Analysis and Management 2012
114 저널기사 Can Nonexperimental Estimates Replicate Estimates Based on Random Assignment in Evaluations of School Choice? A Within-Study Comparison 미리보기
Couch, K. A.; Bifulco, R. Published by John Wiley & Sons for the Association for Public Policy Analysis and Management 2012
115 저널기사 The Effect of Media on Charitable Giving and Volunteering: Evidence from the -Give Five- Campaign 미리보기
Yrk, B. K. Published by John Wiley & Sons for the Association for Public Policy Analysis and Management 2012
116 저널기사 Point/Counterpoint 미리보기
Couch, K. A. Published by John Wiley & Sons for the Association for Public Policy Analysis and Management 2012
117 저널기사 Introduction to the research articles 미리보기
Pirog, M. A. Published by John Wiley & Sons for the Association for Public Policy Analysis and Management 2012
118 저널기사 Introduction to the Research Articles 미리보기
Pirog, M. A. Published by John Wiley & Sons for the Association for Public Policy Analysis and Management 2012
119 저널기사 Research frontiers in comparative policy analysis: An introduction 미리보기
Prakash, A.; Potoski, M. Published by John Wiley & Sons for the Association for Public Policy Analysis and Management 2012
120 저널기사 Notes from the Editor 미리보기
Pirog, M. A. Published by John Wiley & Sons for the Association for Public Policy Analysis and Management 2012
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