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검색어[키워드 / 전체:Journal]
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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
81 저널기사 Analysis of stresses in Ru thin films prepared by chemical vapor deposition/ 미리보기
Lim, H. J Published for the Society by the American Institute of Physics 2003
82 저널기사 Comparison of the stability of hot and cold cathode ionization gauges/ 미리보기
Li, D Published for the Society by the American Institute of Physics 2003
83 저널기사 Etching silicon by SF~6 in a continuous and pulsed power helicon reactor/ 미리보기
Herrick, A Published for the Society by the American Institute of Physics 2003
84 저널기사 Indium tin oxide films with low resistivity and low internal stress/ 미리보기
Takayama, S Published for the Society by the American Institute of Physics 2003
85 저널기사 Damage effects from medium-energy ion bombardment during the growth of cubic-boron nitride films/ 미리보기
Gago, R Published for the Society by the American Institute of Physics 2003
86 저널기사 Observation of the phase formation in Fe-N films deposited by reactive pulsed laser deposition/ 미리보기
Wang, N Published for the Society by the American Institute of Physics 2003
87 저널기사 X-ray diffraction analyses of titanium coatings produced by electron beam evaporation in neon and argon inert gases/ 미리보기
Avelar-Batista, J. C Published for the Society by the American Institute of Physics 2003
88 저널기사 Study of C~4F~8/N~2 and C~4F~8/Ar/N~2 plasmas for highly selective organosilicate glass etching over Si~3N~4 and SiC/ 미리보기
Hua, X Published for the Society by the American Institute of Physics 2003
89 저널기사 Microstructural evolution during film growth/ 미리보기
Petrov, I Published for the Society by the American Institute of Physics 2003
90 저널기사 Chemical methods of thin film deposition: Chemical vapor deposition, atomic layer deposition, and related technologies/ 미리보기
Crowell, J. E Published for the Society by the American Institute of Physics 2003
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