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검색어[키워드 / 전체:Journal]
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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
51 저널기사 Full Papers - Structure dependence on redox state and charge in (Fe4(m3-S4)(h-C5H5)4) m-(M(mnt)2)n (M = Ni or Pt, m, n = 1 or 2)/ 미리보기
Bellamy, Dena Royal Society of Chemistry 2000
52 저널기사 Full Papers - 2-(Hydroxyimino)propanohydroxamic acid, a new effective ligand for aluminium/ 미리보기
Gumienna-Kontecka, Elzbieta Royal Society of Chemistry 2000
53 저널기사 Dalton Communications - Antimony imido and imido-amido compounds: A new route to an imidoantimony macrocycle/ 미리보기
Bryant, Richard Royal Society of Chemistry 2000
54 저널기사 Full Papers - New Group 5 and 6 transition metal imido complexes with monodeprotonated triazacyclononane ligands/ 미리보기
Fletcher, John S Royal Society of Chemistry 2000
55 저널기사 Full Papers - Cathodic insertion of ions in tungsten(VI) oxide from aqueous media/ 미리보기
Palombari, Roberto Royal Society of Chemistry 2000
56 저널기사 Full Papers - Niobium h-cyclopentadienyl compounds with imido and amido ligands derived from tert-butylamine/ 미리보기
Humphries, Martin J Royal Society of Chemistry 2000
57 저널기사 Full Papers - A new mixed-valent copper-antimony sulfide: (H2NCH2CH2NH2)0.5(Cu2SbS3)/ 미리보기
Powell, Anthony V Royal Society of Chemistry 2000
58 저널기사 Full Papers - Chelating dihydroxamic acids: Study of metal speciation and co-ordination compounds with Ni2+ and Cu2+/ 미리보기
Swiatek-Kozlowska, Jolanta Royal Society of Chemistry 2000
59 저널기사 Full Papers - Transition metal complexes incorporating the BF2 ligand formed by oxidative addition of the B-B bond in B2F4/ 미리보기
Lu, Norman Royal Society of Chemistry 2000
60 저널기사 Dalton Communications - Alkali-metal complexes of a triazacyclononane-functionalized tetramethylcyclopentadienyl ligand/ 미리보기
Giesbrecht, Garth R Royal Society of Chemistry 2000
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