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검색어[키워드 / 전체:Journal]
518건 중 500건 출력
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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
1 저널기사 The politics of accommodation: Canada, the Middle East, and the Suez Crisis, 1950—1956 미리보기
Donaghy, Greg University of Toronto Press 2016
2 저널기사 Where does Canada fit in the US—China strategic competition across the Pacific? 미리보기
Kawasaki, Tsuyoshi University of Toronto Press 2016
3 저널기사 Unsettled Balance: Ethics, Security, and Canada's International Relations, by Rosalind Warner, ed 미리보기
Kirkland, Kit University of Toronto Press 2016
4 저널기사 The Paradox of Liberation: Secular Revolutions and Religious Counterrevolutions, by Michael Walzer 미리보기
Kanengisser, Dubi University of Toronto Press 2016
5 저널기사 Regional turmoil, the rise of Islamic State, and Turkey's multiple Kurdish dilemmas 미리보기
Park, Bill University of Toronto Press 2016
6 저널기사 Walking the middle path: The characteristics of Indonesia's rise 미리보기
Santikajaya, Awidya University of Toronto Press 2016
7 저널기사 ``Vocal but not particularly strong''? Air Canada's ill-fated vacation package to Rhodesia and South Africa and the anti-apartheid movement in Canada 미리보기
Bangarth, Stephanie University of Toronto Press 2016
8 저널기사 Who framed the F-35? Government—media relations in Canadian defence procurement 미리보기
Vucetic, Srdjan University of Toronto Press 2016
9 저널기사 Canadian scholarship on international relations: Unified, divided or diverse? 미리보기
Saideman, Stephen M. University of Toronto Press 2016
10 저널기사 Peoples on Parade: Exhibitions, Empire, and Anthropology in Nineteenth-Century Britain, by Sadiah Qureshi 미리보기
Cobbing, Andrew University of Toronto Press 2016
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 다음 맨뒤
