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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
161 저널기사 High Precision NMR Structure and Function of the RING-H2 Finger Domain of EL5, a Rice Protein Whose Expression Is Increased upon Exposure to Pathogen-derived Oligosaccharides 미리보기
Katoh, S.; Hong, C.; Tsunoda, Y.; Murata, K.; Takai, R.; Minami, E.; Yamazaki, T.; Katoh, E. WAVERLY PRESS INC 2003
162 저널기사 Transition from Natively Unfolded to Folded State Induced by Desiccation in an Anhydrobiotic Nematode Protein 미리보기
Goyal, K.; Tisi, L.; Basran, A.; Browne, J.; Burnell, A.; Zurdo, J.; Tunnacliffe, A. WAVERLY PRESS INC 2003
163 저널기사 The Unfolded Protein Response Is Required for Haploid Tolerance in Yeast 미리보기
Lee, K.; Neigeborn, L.; Kaufman, R. J. WAVERLY PRESS INC 2003
164 저널기사 Subunit Interaction and Regulation of Activity through Terminal Domains of the Family D DNA Polymerase from Pyrococcus horikoshii 미리보기
Shen, Y.; Tang, X.-F.; Matsui, I. WAVERLY PRESS INC 2003
165 저널기사 Integrin alpha~2 and Extracellular Signal-regulated Kinase Are Functionally Linked in Highly Malignant Autocrine Transforming Growth Factor-alpha-driven Colon Cancer Cells 미리보기
Sawhney, R. S.; Sharma, B.; Humphrey, L. E.; Brattain, M. G. WAVERLY PRESS INC 2003
166 저널기사 Deletion of the BH1 Domain of Bcl-2 Accelerates Apoptosis by Acting in a Dominant Negative Fashion 미리보기
Kawatani, M.; Imoto, M. WAVERLY PRESS INC 2003
167 저널기사 Circadian Formation of Clock Protein Complexes by KaiA, KaiB, KaiC, and SasA in Cyanobacteria 미리보기
Kageyama, H.; Kondo, T.; Iwasaki, H. WAVERLY PRESS INC 2003
168 저널기사 Complex of Pregnancy-associated Plasma Protein-A and the Proform of Eosinophil Major Basic Protein. DISULFIDE STRUCTURE AND CARBOHYDRATE ATTACHMENT SITES 미리보기
Overgaard, M. T.; Sorensen, E. S.; Stachowiak, D.; Boldt, H. B.; Kristensen, L.; Sottrup-Jensen, L.; Oxvig, C. WAVERLY PRESS INC 2003
169 저널기사 Acidification of the Malaria Parasite's Digestive Vacuole by a H^+-ATPase and a H^+-pyrophosphatase 미리보기
Saliba, K. J.; Allen, R. J. W.; Zissis, S.; Bray, P. G.; Ward, S. A.; Kirk, K. WAVERLY PRESS INC 2003
170 저널기사 Determinants of the in Vivo Folding of the Prion Protein. A BIPARTITE FUNCTION OF HELIX 1 IN FOLDING AND AGGREGATION 미리보기
Winklhofer, K. F.; Heske, J.; Heller, U.; Reintjes, A.; Muranyi, W.; Moarefi, I.; Tatzelt, J. WAVERLY PRESS INC 2003
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