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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
61 저널기사 The impact of self-construal and message frame valence on reactance: a cross-cultural study in charity advertising 미리보기
Xu, Jie World advertising research center 2019
62 저널기사 Over the Top, Connected, Programmatic and Addressable Television! What Does It All Mean? Definitions and a Call for Research 미리보기
Taylor, Charles R. World advertising research center 2019
63 저널기사 How brands appear in children's movies. A systematic content analysis of the past 25 Years 미리보기
Naderer, Brigitte; Matthes, Jörg; Spielvogel, Ines World advertising research center 2019
64 저널기사 Product placement as leveraged marketing communications: the role of wishful identification, brand trust, and brand buying behaviours 미리보기
Shoenberger, Heather; Kim, Eunjin (Anna) World advertising research center 2019
65 저널기사 An empirical investigation on the antecedents of consumers' cognitions of and attitudes towards digital signage advertising 미리보기
Lee, Heejun; Cho, Chang-Hoan World advertising research center 2019
66 저널기사 The effects of eWOM characteristics on consumer ratings: evidence from TripAdvisor.com 미리보기
Yoon, Yeohong; Kim, Alex Jiyoung; Kim, Jeeyeon; Choi, Jeonghye World advertising research center 2019
67 저널기사 Aspects of visual metaphor: an operational typology of visual rhetoric for research in advertising 미리보기
Peterson, Matthew O. World advertising research center 2019
68 저널기사 Advertising nativeness as a function of content and design congruence 미리보기
Kim, Jooyoung; Choi, Dongwon; Kim, Hanyoung World advertising research center 2019
69 저널기사 Fake news: When the dark side of persuasion takes over 미리보기
Nyilasy, Greg World advertising research center 2019
70 저널기사 Gender differences in arousal priming effects on humor advertising 미리보기
Yoon, Hye Jin; Lee, Yoon-Joo World advertising research center 2019
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