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검색어[키워드 / 전체:Economics.]
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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
71 단행본 Emerging issues in tribal-state relations:leading lawyers on analyzing the economic, cultural, and political trends affecting tribal-state interactions 미리보기
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W. Gregory Guedel...[et al.] Aspatore 2012
72 단행본 (新) 국제경제법 미리보기
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한국국제경제법학회 저 박영사 2012
73 단행본 NAFTA and free trade in the Americas in a nutshell 미리보기
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by Ralph H. Folsom Thomson/West 2012
74 단행본 Law and development in Asia 미리보기
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edited by Gerald McAlinn and Caslav Pejovic Routledge 2012
75 단행본 The interaction between WTO law and external international law:the constrained openness of WTO law 미리보기
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Ronnie R. F. Yearwood Routledge 2012
76 단행본 Governance of global financial markets:the law, the economics, the politics 미리보기
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Emilios Avgouleas Cambridge University Press 2012
77 단행본 Good counsel:meeting the legal needs of nonprofits 미리보기
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Lesley Rosenthal Wiley 2012 URL
78 단행본 International economic law and monetary measures:limitations to states' sovereignty and dispute settlement 미리보기
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Annamaria Viterbo Edward Elgar 2012
79 단행본 Commercial and economic law in the United States 미리보기
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Andre Fiebig Kluwer Law International ; Sold and distributed in North, Central, and South America by Aspen Publishers 2012
80 단행본 The global limits of competition law 미리보기
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edited by Ioannis Lianos and D. Daniel Sokol Stanford Law Books 2012
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