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검색어[키워드 / 전체:Economics.]
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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
111 단행본 The concept of abuse in EU competition law:law and economic approaches 미리보기
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Pinar Akman Hart Publishing 2012
112 단행본 Machine learning for financial engineering 미리보기
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Laszlo Györfi, Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Hungary, György Ottucsak, Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Hungary Imperial College Press 2012
113 단행본 Winning the patent damages case : a litigator's guide to economic models and other damage strategies 미리보기
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Richard F. Cauley Oxford University Press 2011
114 단행본 An economic interpretation of the Constitution of the United States 미리보기
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by Charles A. Beard Lawbook Exchange 2011
115 단행본 Blame it on the WTO?:a human rights critique 미리보기
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Sarah Joseph Oxford University Press 2011
116 단행본 Competition policy and patent law under uncertainty:regulating innovation 미리보기
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edited by Geoffrey A. Manne, Joshua D. Wright Cambridge University Press 2011 URL
117 단행본 Managing to the new regulatory reality:doing business under the Dodd-Frank Act 미리보기
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Gregory P. Wilson Wiley 2011 URL
118 단행본 형평과 효율의 조화:經濟正義를 중심으로 미리보기
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연구자: 전재경 한국법제연구원 2011
119 단행본 European Commission decisions on competition:economic perspectives on landmark antitrust and merger cases 미리보기
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by Francesco Russo ... [et al.] Cambridge University Press 2011
120 단행본 Family law services handbook:the role of the financial expert 미리보기
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Donald A. Glenn ... [et al.] J. Wiley 2011
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