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검색어[키워드 / 전체:Economics.]
854건 중 500건 출력
19/50 페이지 엑셀파일 출력
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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
181 단행본 Federal antitrust policy:the law of competition and its practice 미리보기
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by Herbert Hovenkamp Thomson/West 2011
182 단행본 Intellectual property, competition law and economics in Asia 미리보기
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edited by R. Ian McEwin Hart Pub. 2011
183 단행본 The Paradox of EU-India Relations:missed opportunities in politics, economics, development cooperation, and culture 미리보기
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Shazia Aziz Wu@lbers Lexington Books 2011
184 단행본 An economic perspective on trade mark law 미리보기
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Andrew Griffiths Edward Elgar 2011
185 단행본 The European consumer citizen in law and policy 미리보기
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Jim Davies Palgrave Macmillan 2011 URL
186 단행본 Reference manual on scientific evidence 미리보기
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Federal Judicial Center National Academy Press 2011
187 단행본 Economic justice:race, gender, identity and economics : cases and materials 미리보기
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by Emma Colman Jordan, Angela P. Harris Foundation Press ; Thomson/West 2011
188 단행본 불법행위법의 경제학=(The) economics of tort law 미리보기
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이종인 지음 한울아카데미 2010
189 단행본 The right to development in international law:the case of Pakistan 미리보기
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Khurshid Iqbal Routledge 2010
190 단행본 Introduction to Spanish private law:facing the social and economic challenges 미리보기
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by Teresa Rodriguez de las Heras Ballell; with the collaboration of Jorge Feliu Rey Routledge-Cavendish 2010
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