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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
121 저널기사 Too Busy or Well-Connected? Evidence from a Shock to Multiple Directorships 미리보기
Brown, Anna Bergman; Dai, Jing; Zur, Emanuel American Accounting Association. 2019
122 저널기사 Does institutional ownership affect the relationship between accounting quality and cost of capital? A panel smooth transition regression approach. 미리보기
Tsung-Yu Hsieh College of Management, National Cheng Kung University 2019
123 저널기사 Tax Aggressiveness and Corporate Transparency 미리보기
Balakrishnan, Karthik; Blouin, Jennifer L.; Guay, Wayne R. American Accounting Association. 2019
124 저널기사 The Impact of Benchmark Set Composition on Auditors' Level 3 Fair Value Judgments 미리보기
Bhattacharjee, Sudip; Moreno, Kimberly K.; Wright, Nicole S. American Accounting Association.. 2019
125 저널기사 Matching Premiums in the Executive Labor Market 미리보기
Carter, Mary Ellen; Franco, Francesca; Tuna, İrem American Accounting Association.. 2019
126 저널기사 Reporting and Non-Reporting Incentives in Leasing 미리보기
Caskey, Judson; Ozel, N. Bugra American Accounting Association.. 2019
127 저널기사 The Role of Accounting Information in Optimal Debt Contracts with Informed Lenders 미리보기
Darrough, Masako N.; Deng, Mingcherng American Accounting Association.. 2019
128 저널기사 Auditing Standards, Professional Judgment, and Audit Quality 미리보기
Gao, Pingyang; Zhang, Gaoqing American Accounting Association.. 2019
129 저널기사 Conforming Tax Avoidance and Capital Market Pressure 미리보기
Badertscher, Brad A.; Katz, Sharon P.; Rego, Sonja Olhoft; Wilson, Ryan J. American Accounting Association.. 2019
130 저널기사 Can a Hybrid Method Improve Equity Valuation? An Empirical Evaluation of the Ohlson and Johannesson (2016) Model 미리보기
Gao, Zhan; Myers, James N.; Myers, Linda A.; Wu, Wan-Ting American Accounting Association.. 2019
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