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161 저널기사 China's Closed Pyramidal Managerial Labor Market and the Stock Price Crash Risk 미리보기
Chen, Donghua; Kim, Jeong-Bon; Li, Oliver Zhen; Liang, Shangkun American Accounting Association. 2018
162 저널기사 Picioli's Lens: God, Humanism, Euclid, and the Rhetoric of Double Entry 미리보기
Sangster, Alan American Accounting Association. 2018
163 저널기사 Do Career Concerns Affect the Delay of Bad News Disclosure? 미리보기
Baginski, Stephen P.; Campbell, John L.; Hinson, Lisa A.; Koo, David S. American Accounting Association. 2018
164 저널기사 Auditor Tenure and the Timeliness of Misstatement Discovery 미리보기
Singer, Zvi; Zhang, Jing American Accounting Association. 2018
165 저널기사 Beyond Diversity: A Tale of Faultlines and Frictions in the Board of Directors 미리보기
Van Peteghem, Mathijs; Bruynseels, Liesbeth; Gaeremynck, Ann American Accounting Association. 2018
166 저널기사 Respectful Inquiry: A Motivational Account of Leading Through Asking Questions and Listening 미리보기
Van Quaquebeke, Niels; Felps, Will Academy of Management 2018
167 저널기사 Do Firms Strategically Disseminate? Evidence from Corporate Use of Social Media 미리보기
Jung, Michael J.; Naughton, James P.; Tahoun, Ahmed; Wang, Clare American Accounting Association. 2018
168 저널기사 Disclaiming the Future: Investigating the Impact of Cautionary Disclaimers on Investor Judgments Before and After Experiencing Economic Loss 미리보기
Asay, H. Scott; Hales, Jeffrey American Accounting Association. 2018
169 저널기사 Influential Chief Marketing Officers and Management Revenue Forecasts 미리보기
Koo, David S.; Lee, Dongyoung American Accounting Association. 2018
170 저널기사 When Do Auditors Use Specialists' Work to Improve Problem Representations of and Judgments about Complex Estimates? 미리보기
Griffith, Emily E. American Accounting Association. 2018
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