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검색어[키워드 / 전체:Criminology]
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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
181 저널기사 ``The People'' of Heller and Their Politics: Whether Illegal Aliens Should Have the Right to Bear Arms After United States v. Portillo-Munoz 미리보기
Salnikova, O.A. Williams & Wilkins 2013
182 저널기사 Real-Time and Historic Location Surveillance After United States v. Jones: An Administrable, Mildly Mosaic Approach 미리보기
Henderson, S.E. Williams & Wilkins 2013
183 저널기사 Order, Technology, and the Constitutional Meanings of Criminal Procedure 미리보기
Crocker, T.P. Williams & Wilkins 2013
184 저널기사 Structural Overdelegation in Criminal Procedure 미리보기
O Rourke, A. Williams & Wilkins 2013
185 저널기사 Privacy Versus Security 미리보기
Bambauer, D.E. Williams & Wilkins 2013
186 저널기사 Vulnerability and Just Desert: A Theory of Sentencing and Mental Illness 미리보기
Johnston, E.L. Williams & Wilkins 2013
187 저널기사 An Empirical Assessment of Corporate Environmental Crime-Control Strategies 미리보기
Simpson, S.S.; Gibbs, C.; Rorie, M.; Slocum, L.A.; Cohen, M.A.; Vandenbergh, M. Williams & Wilkins 2013
188 저널기사 Humiliation, Degradation, Penetration: What Legislatively Required Pre-abortion Transvaginal Ultrasounds and Rape Have in Common 미리보기
Green, K.A. Williams & Wilkins 2013
189 저널기사 Walking Firearms to Gunrunners: ATF's Flawed Operation in a Flawed System 미리보기
Krantz, M. Williams & Wilkins 2013
190 저널기사 Nudging the Justice System Toward Better Decisions 미리보기
Greene, E.; Bornstein, B.H. Williams & Wilkins 2013
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