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검색어[키워드 / 전체:Management]
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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
331 저널기사 Funding and delivering the routine testing of management interventions to improve conservation effectiveness 미리보기
Paul Tinsley-Marshall ; Harriet Downey ; Gilbert Adum ; Nida Al-Fulaij ; William J. Sutherland Urban & Fischer 2022
332 저널기사 Modelling past migrations to determine efficient management rules favouring silver eel escapement from a large regulated Floodplain Lake 미리보기
Jacques Bourgeaux ; Nils Teichert ; Jean-Marc Gillier ; Valentin Danet ; Thomas Trancart Urban & Fischer 2022
333 저널기사 Linking species distribution and territorial planning to the management of the endangered Gonopterodendron sarmientoi in native forests of the Chaco region, Argentina 미리보기
Pablo Luis Peri ; Juan Gaitán ; Dante Loto ; Sebastián Kees ; Gonzalo Andrés Camps Urban & Fischer 2022
334 저널기사 Exploration of aversive bioacoustics for the effective management of invasive green anoles (Anolis carolinensis) 미리보기
Takumi Shiho ; Osamu Sakai ; Noriko Iwai Urban & Fischer 2022
335 저널기사 Basis for restoration of saltcedar (Tamarix spp., Tamaricaceae) invaded sites through an adaptive management approach 미리보기
Evangelina Natale ; Laura Sorli ; Marina de la Reta ; Gabriela Coria ; Antonia Josefina Oggero Urban & Fischer 2022
336 저널기사 The continuing evolution of revenue management science 미리보기
Ian Yeoman Henry Stewart Pub. 2022
337 저널기사 Premium cabin capacity sharing strategies: airline RM insights 미리보기
Germán Escovar-Álvarez ; Peter P. Belobaba Henry Stewart Pub. 2022
338 저널기사 Approaches for restaurant revenue management 미리보기
Mohit Tyagi ; Nomesh B. Bolia Henry Stewart Pub. 2022
339 저널기사 Seasonal balancing of revenue and demand in hotel industry: the case of Dubai City 미리보기
Wasfi Alrawabdeh Henry Stewart Pub. 2022
340 저널기사 Dynamic pricing under competition using reinforcement learning 미리보기
Alexander Kastius ; Rainer Schlosser Henry Stewart Pub. 2022
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