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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
31 저널기사 When are Firms Sued for Qualitative Disclosures? Implications of the Safe Harbor for Forward-Looking Statements 미리보기
Cazier, Richard A.; Merkley, Kenneth J.; Treu, John S. American Accounting Association.. 2020
32 저널기사 Rethinking Measurement of Pay Disparity and Its Relation to Firm Performance 미리보기
Rouen, Ethan American Accounting Association.. 2020
33 저널기사 Selection Benefits of Below-Market Pay in Social-Mission Organizations: Effects on Individual Performance and Team Cooperation 미리보기
Chen, Clara Xiaoling; Pesch, Heather L.; Wang, Laura W. American Accounting Association.. 2020
34 저널기사 Public Disclosures and Information Asymmetry: A Theory of the Mosaic 미리보기
Cheynel, Edwige; Levine, Carolyn B. American Accounting Association.. 2020
35 저널기사 Seeking Out Non-Public Information: Sell-Side Analysts and the Freedom of Information Act 미리보기
Klein, April; Li, Tao; Zhang, Bobo American Accounting Association.. 2020
36 저널기사 The Effect of Voluntary Clawback Adoptions on Corporate Tax Policy 미리보기
Kubick, Thomas R.; Omer, Thomas C.; Wiebe, Zac American Accounting Association.. 2020
37 저널기사 Is Peer Review Having a Mid-Life Crisis? 미리보기
Fogarty Timothy J. ; Reinstein Alan ; Churyk Natalie Tatiana New York State Society of Certified Public Accountants 2020
38 저널기사 Accounting for Climate Change 미리보기
Robert S. Kaplan ; Karthik Ramanna Graduate School of Business Administration, Harvard University 2020
39 저널기사 Adapting to Crisis: Accounting Information Systems during the Weimar Hyperinflation 미리보기
Sebastian Hoffmann; Stephen P. Walker Harvard Graduate School of Business Administration : Cambridge University Press 2020
40 저널기사 The effect of consistency in accounting choices on financial statement comparability: Evidence from South Korea 미리보기
Yong-Shik Kim People and Global Business Association; School of Business, Indiana State University, 2020
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