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검색어[전방일치/ null: Law -- United States -- Popular works]
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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
1 단행본 Law 101:everything you need to know about the American legal system 미리보기
법학도서관 대출가능 열기
Jay M. Feinman Oxford University Press 2006
2 단행본 Law for dummies 미리보기
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by John Ventura Wiley Pub. 2005
3 단행본 But they didn't read me my rights!:myths, oddities, and lies about our legal system 미리보기
법학도서관 대출가능 열기
Michael D. Cicchini and Amy B. Kushner Prometheus Books 2010 URL
4 단행본 Law 101 미리보기
법학도서관 대출가능 열기
Jay M. Feinman Oxford University Press 2014
5 단행본 The believer's guide to legal issues 미리보기
법학도서관 대출가능 열기
Stephen L. Bloom Living Ink Books 2008
6 단행본 Nolo's encyclopedia of everyday law:answers to your most frequently asked legal questions 미리보기
법학도서관 대출가능 열기
by Shae Irving & Nolo editors Nolo 2008
7 단행본 Nolo's encyclopedia of everyday law:answers to your most frequently asked legal questions 미리보기
법학도서관 대출가능 열기
by Shae Irving & Nolo editors Nolo 2011
