ABSTRACT* * A thesis submitted to the committee of Graduate School of Intellectual Property Law, Chungnam National University in a partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Law (in Legal Practice) conferred in August 2021

A Study on Criteria and Methods of Excercise of Police Physical Force

Hye-Eun Sim

Department of Law (in Legal Practice), Graduate School of Intellectual Property Law
Chungnam National University
Daejeon, Korea

( Supervised by Professor JONGHAENG YOON )

In terms of the effective exercise of police authority and the protection of civil rights, it is significantly important to exercise police physical force properly and reasonably.
In this thesis, the contents of the , implemented by the National Police Agency on November 24, 2019, were described. Then, after assessing significance of establishment of the regulation, the problems and solutions derived from that are presented. The main points are as follows :
First of all, presents three major principles of police : the principle of objectivity and rationality, the principle of correspondence between the subjects'' behavior and physical force and the principle of prioritizing reduction efforts of harm. Following that, it divides the subject''s behavior into the five levels according to the intensity of resistance and it also divides the police physical force into five levels depending on the extent to cope with resistance. Based on those, it explains the concept of gradually intensified police use of force continuum. The rule also explains the criteria of using individual methods of police physical force at all levels from physical contact to using firearms and introduces the limits and the precautions. Lastly, it explains several measures after the exercise of police physical force : measures for injured persons, procedure of reporting police physical force, and etc.
The establishment of that regulation has great implications in two points : it presents comprehensively and specifically usage measures and limits concerning every level of methods of police physical force for the first time since the foundation of National Police Agency and proposing the ''principle of objectivity and rationality'', it preemptively introduced the position of the U.S. federal court based on the ''reasonable perspective of field police officer'' in determining the legality of the exercise of police physical force.
Although that regulation has also several problems. As the rule absent binding force, it has inherent limitation because current court hasn''t to refer this regulation when making judgement. Also, because current police weapon-carrying system of field police officer is selective, there is a gap between that and the concept of police weapon-carrying system in the regulation. Besides, there is no effective and continual education to ensure that the regulation is effectively enforced in field and there is no system instructs and supports police officers about selection and usage of methods of police physical force. Further, in the regulation, effective ''police use of force review boards system'' is not in place.
In this thesis, solutions of precedent problems are proposed : continuing efforts for legislation of ''the principle objectivity and rationality'' through revision of laws including , improving current police weapon-carrying system of field police officers, implementing itinerant field education and continual-effective training with field instructor, improvement of ways of firearms training, conducting field simulation training, establishing coaching-supporting field police officers system through reinforcement of competence of 112 emergency team, introducing system concerning police use of force review system and etc.
These proposals could contribute that korean police take a big leap forward as ''human right police officers'' gaining the trust and support of the citizens.

경찰 물리력 행사의 기준과 방법에 관한 연구

심 혜 은

충남대학교 특수법무대학원 일반법무학과 일반법무전공
(지 도 교 수 윤 종 행)

경찰 물리력의 적절하고 합리적인 행사는 실효성 있는 경찰권 행사와 시민의 인권보호 측면에서 매우 중대한 의미를 가진다.
경찰청은 현장 경찰관의 합리적 경찰 물리력 사용에 대한 가이드라인을 제시하기 위해 2019. 11. 24. 「경찰 물리력 행사의 기준과 방법에 관한 규칙」을 전면 시행하였다.
「경찰 물리력 행사의 기준과 방법에 관한 규칙」은 경찰 물리력 사용의 3대원칙과 경찰 물리력 행사 연속체 개념, 경찰 물리력 사용 시 유의사항 및 그 사용 한계 등을 제시하였다. 이는 그간 산재되어 있던 경찰 물리력 사용의 근거 및 장비사용 수칙 등을 망라하여 신체적 물리력부터 권총에 이르기까지 모든 단계의 경찰 물리력에 대해 그 행사 기준과 한계를 제시했다는 점에서 큰 의미가 있다.
그러나 위 규칙은 몇 가지 문제점들을 가지고 있는 바, 경찰청 예규로서 대외 구속력이 없다는 점, 현행 외근경찰관 무기휴대 체계와 본 규칙의 내용이 괴리되어 있다는 점, 본 규칙의 현장 적용을 위한 실질적 교육· 훈련이 부재하다는 점, 현장 경찰관 지원 및 사후 평가 환류 시스템이 부재하다는 점이 바로 그것이다.
본 논문에서는 그에 대한 개선 방안으로 경찰관 직무집행법 개정을 통한 본 규칙의 법제화 노력, 현장 경찰관의 무기 휴대체계의 개선, 지속적· 실질적 교육 훈련의 실시, 112종합상황실의 현장경찰 코칭 지원역량 강화 등의 대안을 제시하고자 한다.

주제어: 현장 경찰관, 경찰 물리력 행사 규칙, 현장경찰관 무기휴대 체계, 물리력 행사 관련 교육· 훈련