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▼a Phytochemistry (Oxford) |
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▼a Phytochemistry
▼b (Oxford) |
245 | 00 |
▼a Phytochemistry. |
260 | |
▼a Oxford ;
▼a New York:
▼b Pergamon Press,
▼c 1961- . |
265 | |
▼a Subscription Fulfillment Manager, Journal Division, Pergamon Press Ltd., Headington Hill Hall, Oxford OX3 0BW, UK |
300 | |
▼a v.:
▼b ill.;
▼c 25 cm. |
310 | |
▼a Bimonthly, two issues per month, January to December in three volumes |
321 | |
▼a Semimonthly,
▼b <1997-> |
321 | |
▼a 18 no. a year,
▼b 1993- |
321 | |
▼a Monthly |
350 | |
▼a $130.00 (multiple reader institution)
▼a $35.00 (individual for personal use) |
362 | 0 |
▼a v. 1 (Oct. 1961)- |
510 | 1 |
▼a Biological & agricultural index
▼x 0006-3177 |
510 | 2 |
▼a Abstract bulletin of the Institute of Paper Chemistry
▼x 0020-3033 |
510 | 2 |
▼a Biological abstracts
▼x 0006-3169 |
510 | 2 |
▼a Chemical abstracts
▼x 0009-2258 |
510 | 2 |
▼a Excerpta medica |
510 | 2 |
▼b 1990- |
510 | 2 |
▼a Life sciences collection |
510 | 2 |
510 | 2 |
510 | 2 |
510 | 0 |
▼a Bibliography of agriculture
▼x 0006-1530 |
510 | 0 |
▼a International aerospace abstracts
▼x 0020-5842 |
510 | 0 |
▼a Nuclear science abstracts
▼x 0029-5612 |
520 | |
▼a "An international journal of plant biochemistry." |
530 | |
▼a Issued also on microfilm by Microforms International Marketing Corp. |
546 | |
▼a English, French, or German. |
650 | 0 |
▼a Botanical chemistry
▼x Periodicals. |
866 | |
▼a v.24(1985)-v.29(1990), v.30:no.1-10,12(1991), v.31(1992)-v.69(2008). -- v.26X(1987)-v.32X(1993), v.39X/40X(1995), v.42X(1996), v.44X(1997), v.46X(1997), v.48X(1998), v.50X(1999), v.52X(2000), v.55X(2001), v.58-59X(2002), v.60X(2002) |
990 | |
▼a 김미정
▼b 박춘규
▼b 육상옥 |
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