LDR | | 02658casuu2200649 a 4500 |
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▼a sc 84001835
▼z sn 84010033 |
022 | |
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▼y 0044-4294 |
030 | |
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035 | |
▼a (DNLM)A30045000(s) |
040 | |
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▼d OCoLC
▼d NST
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▼d MH
▼d DLC
▼d AIP
▼d TxU
▼d AIP
▼d m/c
▼d NST
▼d 225009 |
041 | 0 |
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042 | |
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060 | 0 |
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070 | 0 |
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072 | 0 |
▼a L800
▼a L400 |
090 | |
▼a 636.08905
▼b Z56A
▼c v.2- |
210 | 0 |
▼a Anat., hist., embryol. |
222 | 0 |
▼a Anatomia, histologia, embryologia |
242 | 00 |
▼a Anatomy histology embryology. |
245 | 00 |
▼a Anatomia, histologia, embryologia. |
246 | 13 |
▼a Journal of veterinary medicine.
▼n Series C. |
246 | 13 |
▼a Journal of veterinary medicine.
▼n C. |
246 | 13 |
▼a Journal of veterinary medicine.
▼n Series C,
▼p Anatomia, histologia, embryologia
▼f <1981>-. |
260 | |
▼a Berlin:
▼b P. Parey,
▼c [c1973-. |
300 | |
▼a v.:
▼b ill.;
▼c 25 cm. |
310 | |
▼a Bimonthly
▼b v.27(1998)- |
321 | |
▼a Quarterly
▼b v.1(1973)-v.26(1997) |
362 | 0 |
▼a Bd. 2, Heft 1 (Marz 1973)- |
500 | |
▼a Issues for <1981- > have English title: Journal of veterinary medicine. Series C, Anatomia, histologia, embryologia. |
500 | |
▼a Title from cover. |
510 | 1 |
▼a Index medicus
▼x 0019-3879 |
510 | 2 |
▼a Biological abstracts
▼x 0006-3169 |
510 | 2 |
▼a Energy research abstracts
▼x 0160-3604
▼b Dec. 1980- |
510 | 2 |
▼a Excerpta medica |
510 | 2 |
▼a Life sciences collection |
510 | 2 |
510 | 2 |
510 | 2 |
510 | 0 |
▼a Automatic subject citation alert |
510 | 0 |
▼a Current contents: agriculture, biology & environmental sciences
▼x 0090-0508 |
510 | 0 |
▼a Current contents: life sciences
▼x 0011-3409 |
510 | 0 |
▼a Index veterinarius
▼x 0019-4123 |
510 | 0 |
▼a Nutrition abstracts and reviews |
510 | 0 |
▼a Science citation index
▼x 0036-827X |
510 | 0 |
▼a Veterinary bulletin
▼x 0042-4854 |
546 | |
▼a English, French, German, or Spanish, with summaries in all four languages. |
650 | 2 |
▼a Anatomy, Comparative
▼x periodicals. |
650 | 2 |
▼a Anatomy, Veterinary
▼x periodicals. |
650 | 2 |
▼a Embryology
▼x periodicals. |
710 | 20 |
▼a World Association of Veterinary Anatomists. |
780 | 00 |
▼t Zentralblatt fu@r Veterina@rmedizin. Reihe C, Anatomie, Histologie, Embryologie
▼x 0300-8649 |
866 | |
▼a v.22(1993)-v.23(1994), v.24:no.1-3(1995), v.25(1996)-v.37(2008) |
990 | |
▼b 박춘규 |