Chapter Ⅰ. Introduction.
1. The purpose of study.
2. The categories and methodology of study.
Chapter Ⅱ. Plant genetic resources and protection of intellectual property rights.
1. The concept of plant genetic resources.
2. The protection of intellectual property rights on plant genetic resources.
(1) Introduction.
(2) Patent.
(3) The rights of plant breeder.
(4) Trade secrets.
(5) Industrial design.
(6) Copyrights.
(7) Trademarks.
(8) Appellations of origin.
(9) Conclusion.
3. Biologiacal diversity and intellectual property.
Chapter Ⅲ. International agreement on plant genetic resources.
1. Convention on biological diversity.
2. International convention on plant genetic resources.
3. Agreement on trade-related aspect of intellectual property rights.
Chapter Ⅳ. Seeks alternative options for access to plant genetic resources and benefit-sharing.
1. Introduction.
2. Bilateral agreement between the provider and the user.
3. Option for restriction of access by suppling countries.
4. Option for development of access to plant genetic resources.
5. Option for protection and compensation of indigenous and local community's traditional knowledge.
6. International biodiversity funds and facilities.
7. Conclusion.