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서명 저자 출판사 출판년 수록
1 연속간행물 Oxford economic papers 미리보기
University of Oxford Institute of Statistics The Clarendon Press 1938-
2 연속간행물 Econometrica : journal of the Econometric Society 미리보기
Econometric Society Econometric Society, the University of Chicago 1933-
3 연속간행물 Journal of economic literature 미리보기
American Economic Association American Economic Association] 1969-
4 연속간행물 The Quarterly journal of economics 미리보기
Dunbar, Charles Franklin, Taussig, F. W. Usher, Abbott Payson, Hansen, Alvin Harvey, Crum, William Leonard, Chamberlin, Edward, Monroe, Arthur Eli Published for Harvard University by the MIT Press [etc.] 1886-
5 연속간행물 Economics and philosophy 미리보기
Cambridge University Press 1985-
6 연속간행물 The Journal of political economy 미리보기
Laughlin, J. Laurence Field, James Alfred University of Chicago Press 1892-
7 연속간행물 History of political economy 미리보기
Duke University Press] 1969-
8 연속간행물 The Review of economics and statistics 미리보기
Harvard University. Harvard Economic Society. Dept. of Economics Dept. of Economics, Harvard University 1948-
9 연속간행물 Journal of the history of economic thought : JHET 미리보기
History of Economics Society History of Economics Society 1990-
10 전자저널 The Quarterly Review of Economics and Finance 미리보기
Elsevier 1993 URL
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